- Net Zero, or Net Zero emission, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the achievement, the result of an equilibrium of greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere. by eliminating anthropogenic activities for a certain period of time. By 2050, humans must achieve this goal to ensure life on Earth. So, what factors directly impact global warming? How can we bring the current emissions figure down to zero?
The importance of Net Zero
- According to Net Zero Climate, the term Net Zero is important because it means the end of global warming. This also means that in order to reach the Net Zero goal, it is necessary to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or eliminate emissions activities that are happening at the moment.
- One study found that annual CO2 emissions in Vietnam increased rapidly starting in 2000, and by 2019 the emissions figure was 247.71 million tons (Figure 1).
- It can be seen that the burning of fossil fuels is one of the main causes of a sharp increase in greenhouse gas emissions, negatively affecting climate change. The sectors that emit the most emissions are: Energy; Changing farming and land use purposes; Industry; Waste treatment. In which, the energy sector has the highest emission level with 73% (Figure 2).

What Net Zero Means for the Energy Industry

- According to IEA 2021, (International Energy Agency), one of the key solutions to achieve Net Zero goal is to use energy more efficiently. Improving energy efficiency will not only drive economic growth, but also help us achieve our Net Zero goal by 2050.
- Besides, Net Zero according to the IEA also means a rapid shift away from fossil fuels. From the data provided above, cutting down on mining activities – using fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure environmental safety.
- Ultimately, carbon capture, use and storage is an effective solution to help achieve Net Zero. From direct emission treatment operations to providing solutions to areas where emissions are difficult to reduce, such as cement production, we can effectively remove a significant amount of CO2 from the atmosphere (IEA 2021).
Vietnam Zero Waste is the solution

- As a pioneer in clean energy conversion, what Vietnam Zero Waste has been doing is bringing good value to the sustainable development of the economy and society. Vietnam Zero Waste with steam supply products and services, will bring customers the efficiency of using clean energy by replacing fossil fuels with more environmentally friendly fuels such as Biomass. Above all, realizing the importance of balancing emissions, Vietnam Zero Waste forms a closed ecosystem with the goal of offsetting emissions through the Carbon market. In general, Net Zero is not only a great global goal in general, but also one of the top goals of Vietnam Zero Waste in particular, towards a zero-emission future.
- IPCC. (2018). Special report: Global warming 1.5ºC. https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/chapter/glossary/
- Net Zero Climate. (n.d). What is Net Zero?. https://netzeroclimate.org/what-is-net-zero/
- Ritchie H & Roser M. (August 2020). CO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Our World in Data. https://ourworldindata.org/co2-and-other-greenhouse-gas-emissions
- Climate Science. (2020). Sự phát thải theo Nguồn: Lĩnh vực nào phát thải nhiều nhất?. https://climatescience.org/vi/advanced-s%E1%BB%B1-ph%C3%A1t-th%E1%BA%A3i-theo-ngu%E1%BB%93n/
- IEA. (2021). Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector. https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-by-2050